
  • Claudia Barbosa Fernandes
  • Carina Fátima Guimarães
  • Bruna Marcele Oliveira
  • Guilherme Cain Oliveira
  • Camila Gonçalves Oliveira
  • Marcela Gonçalves Meirelles
  • Eneiva Carla Celeghini


peripartum, postpartum, disorder, equine, theriogenology


Disease processes in peripartum period can adversely affect a mare´s future fertility or, worse, may be life threatening to her or her foal. An additional unique set of differential diagnosis must be considered in the mare at this time, along with all the most common diseases. So, this review emphasizes the disorders that affect the mare´s and foal´s health on peripartum period.


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Como Citar

Fernandes CB, Guimarães CF, Oliveira BM, Oliveira GC, Oliveira CG, Meirelles MG, Celeghini EC. PERIPARTUM UROGENITAL DISORDERS IN MARES. RVZ [Internet]. 26º de abril de 2022 [citado 23º de fevereiro de 2025];21(4):516-2. Disponível em:



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