Reptilia, diagnóstico cardiológico., anatomia cardiovascular, fisiologia cardíacaAbstract
Despite the availability of diagnostic tools and published reference parameters for some species, reptile cardiology is a specialty that is still under development. It imposes challenges to veterinarians due to the anatomical and physiological particularities of the cardiovascular system, in addition to the limited availability of reference parameters for most species. Clinical signs in reptiles with cardiac conditions are often nonspecific, which requires a well-executed physical exam and anamnesis, consideration of the animal's history and targeted complementary tests, such as electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. Furthermore, a laboratory analysis of hemogram, biochemistry and electrolyte quantification are useful in evaluation of the general condition of the animal, in addition to allowing the identification of possible nutritional and metabolic disorders as the primary cause. The aim of this work was to describe the anatomy and physiology cardiac, and the techniques used in cardiological diagnosis of reptiles.
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