Stenosis urethral correction after urethrostomy surgery in a cat

Relato de caso


  • Elisângela Barboza Silva
  • Ana Manuella Souza Babo
  • Janaína Maria Xavier Corrêa
  • Mário Sérgio Lima Lavor



urethral obstruction, feline, reconstructive surgery


Feline disease of inferior urinary tract affects cats and its clinical signs are dysuria, hematuria
and pollakiuria. This signs are related a parcial or total urethral obstruction. Males have more
predisposition than females because their penile urethra are thin. Cats between two and six
years old and castrated animals are more susceptible to developing the disease. In this cases is
indicated the opening with aid of a probe under general anesthesia. In obstruction recurring
cases it should be point a perineal urethrostomy surgery. This objective surgery is create a
fistula between the urethra and the skin. The post-operative result are excellent and avoid new
obstructions, but can have complications such as stenosis. The stenosis is a normal fact in a
healing process, but can be excessive when the lack of care in the post-operative period that
allow the animal stir in the wound before the complete healing. This case report presents a
urethral stenosis after the urethrostomy surgery in a cat and your treatment.


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How to Cite

Barboza Silva E, Souza Babo AM, Xavier Corrêa JM, Lima Lavor MS. Stenosis urethral correction after urethrostomy surgery in a cat: Relato de caso. RVZ [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];24(3):504-8. Available from:



Case Reports