arthroscopy, endoscopy, veterinary medicine, thoracoscopy, videolaparoscopy.Abstract
Video surgery is a resource for minimally invasive surgeries that makes it possible to minimize surgical trauma, risk of infection, postoperative pain and recovery time, being widely used in human patients, and over the years it has used in Veterinary Medicine. Since the use of video surgery is considered recent in Veterinary Medicine, the aim of the present study was to conduct a literature review on the use of video surgery in dogs and cats, in its various modalities such as endoscopy, arthroscopy, thoracic and abdominal laparoscopy, and contribute with updated information on the topic. Video surgery in dogs and cats allows diagnosis and treatment of several diseases and its use has potential for growth in Veterinary Medicine, since the procedure was considered safe and minimally invasive, however, the high value of the procedure makes the demand for these services to be low.
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