
  • Luiz Antônio Franco da Silva
  • Paulo Henrique Jorge da Cunha
  • Antônio Dionísio Feitosa Noronha Filho
  • Daniel Silva Goulart
  • Suyan Brethel dos Santos Campos
  • Sabrina Lucas Ribeiro de Freitas


bovine, digital disease, behavior, , extensive management, treatment


Digital diseases can compromise cattle performance and result in loss of profit. In this study
was evaluated daily behavior in lactating Girolando cows managed extensively with digital
dermatitis, before and after surgical treatment of the lesions. It was used 30 cows with
different ages and body weights allocated in two groups of 15 animals each. In group I (GI)
the animals had digital dermatitis lesions in different degrees and in group II (GII) the animals
were clinically healthy. It was evaluated time grazing (TPA), ruminating in quadrupedal
position (RPQ), ruminating lying down (RDC), resting in quadrupedal position (OPQ), resting
lying down (ODC) and water drinking (FIA). After ANOVA results were analyzed by Tukey test for averages comparison with significance level p<0,05, inside groups and between
groups. Digital dermatitis, especially in the more severe forms, influenced the daily behavior
of Girolando cows managed extensively and surgical treatment of the lesions in GI changed
their behavior (TPA: 49,27% of total time X 64,72%; RPQ: 4,01% X 5,14%; RDC: 18,46% X
11,35%; OPQ:8,92% X 11%; ODC: 16,91% X 4,62%; FIA: 2,43% X 3,17%) to values
similar to those from healthy animals.


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How to Cite

Franco da Silva LA, Jorge da Cunha PH, Noronha Filho ADF, Goulart DS, Campos SB dos S, Freitas SLR de. BEHAVIOR OF GIROLANDO COWS UNDER EXTENSIVE MANAGEMENT WITH DIGITAL DERMATITIS . RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];20(3):459-66. Available from:



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