
  • Maísa Melo Heker
  • Jeffrey Frederico Lui


human-approach test, open field test, rabbit production, welfare


Temperament in animals is a set of behaviors expressed in relation to human handling. This temperament can be changed with the use of positive stimuli that can affect cognition , learning and behavior of animals. This paper aimed to compare stimulated rabbit along age with non-stimulated rabbits and the effects of stimulation on the group temperament. The animals were disposed on five treatments (stimulus from first day after birth to 30 days-old, from first day after birth to 10 days-old, 10-20 days-old, 20-30 days old and control with no stimulus). The temperament was assessed by human approach test and open field test made at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days-old. Non-stimulated animals had high latencies above 28.43 s and lower approximations to 3.65 in the approach test, however in some tests this condition changed through the time with tests repetitions frequently used to evaluated rabbits, which indicates a habituation process when an individual stops responding to a given repetitive stimulus not associated to reward or a learning process that is latent and later presented as the tests do not cause danger. Latencies decreased through the time for rabbits stimulated on human-approach test. Unstimulated rabbits showed high frequencies in the score 1 (approaches and smells). Approach and open field tests were effective to express the temperament of rabbits and stimulated and non-stimulated differentiation.


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How to Cite

Heker MM, Lui JF. TEMPERAMENT OF WEANED RABBITS HANDLED DURING INFANCY. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(3):421-32. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/1247



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