
  • Luciana Carandina da Silva
  • Alexandra Frey Belotta
  • Vania Maria Vasconcelos Machado
  • Luiz Carlos Vulcano


ultrasound, stomach, dogs, cats


In small animal clinic, we often faced with diseases that lead to gastric and intestinal changes
such as pyometra, pancreatitis, renal failure, presence of gastric or intestinal foreign body,
nematode infections and viral diseases. The use of imaging as an aid in the differentiation of
these disorders is essential. Ultrasonography has great value in assessing gastric visualization
and measurement of the wall and folds, and enable the identification of intraluminal content.
In this review was describe the sonographic technique for assessing gastric as well as their
normal features and changes found in major diseases affecting small animals.


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How to Cite

Silva LC da, Belotta AF, Machado VMV, Vulcano LC. GASTRIC SONOGRAPHYC EVALUATION IN SMALL ANIMAL. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20(4):567-75. Available from:



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