
  • Regina Valéria da Cunha Dias
  • Paula Dias Bevilacqua
  • José Dantas Ribeiro Filho
  • José Ivo Ribeiro Júnior
  • Maria Veronica de Souza


acute abdomen, physical and biochemical variables, equestrian activity, horses


This study was conducted to investigate the etiology of colic syndrome in horses participating in vaquejada events in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), as well as to assess the evolution of physical and biochemical variables. In addition, determine the reference limits of some of these variables. Horses of both sexes, from different breeds and enrolled in vaquejada competitions. All animals which presented clinical signs of colic syndrome during the event were subjected to physical and laboratory evaluation. The physical examination consisted of evaluation of heart (HR) and respiratory rates (RR), capillary refill time (CRT), mucous membrane color, degree of hydration and intestinal motility. Biochemical variables were evaluated in plasma (fibrinogen) or in serum (total proteins, albumin, creatinine, and magnesium). Quantitative data were compared before and during the colic syndrome episode by using t test for paired samples, and the qualitative data were analyzed descriptively by using the arithmetic mean, percentage and coefficient of variation. Two thousand and sixtyone horses were monitored during 15 events of vaquejada, but only 13 presented a colic syndrome episode. There was an important change in the variables HR (p<0.01), RR (p=0.003) e CRT (p<0.01) after the onset of the colic syndrome. There were no differences in values of biochemical variables assessed before and during the syndrome. In 9 (69.3%) horses the cause of equine colic was impaction of the large colon, and in the other (30.7%) gastric distension. Although colic syndrome cause rapid changes in physical variables, early diagnosis and fast initiation of therapy in cases of impaction and gastric distension can make biochemical variables remain within or close to the reference limits in the early hours of the start of the syndrome episode.


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How to Cite

Dias RV da C, Bevilacqua PD, Filho JDR, Júnior JIR, Souza MV de. AVALIAÇÃO FÍSICA E LABORATORIAL DA SÍNDROME CÓLICA DE EQUINOS EM PARQUE DE VAQUEJADA. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];20(4):658-72. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/1470



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