Characterization of rabies exposure in colombia, 2007-2011


  • Daniel Alejandro Buitrago Medina
  • Claudia Patricia Roncancio
  • Hugo Grisales
  • Noél Barengo



bites, surveillance, rabies, control and prevention, transmission, Colombia


The objective of this study using secondary data from the national health surveillance system was to describe the characteristics of the cases exposed to rabies in the Colombian population during 2007-2011. The cases exposed to rabies were categorized into no-risk exposure, lowrisk exposure and high-risk exposure. An increase in cases exposed to rabies was observed during 2007 (8.7%) and 2011 (31.5%). In Casanare, 31.4% of the cases exposed to rabies were classified as no-risk exposure, whereas in Arauca 86.7% of the cases corresponded to low-risk exposure cases. Vaupes reported 88.5% high-risk exposure cases. Rabies  exposure was most prevalent in men (56.3 %) and the population belonging to the subsidized health insurance scheme (42.2%). The most common way of transmission was animal bites (88%). The observed increase in the number of cases exposed to rabies indicates a need to develop interventions targeting people in high risk exposure regions. 

Author Biographies

Daniel Alejandro Buitrago Medina

Universidad de Antioquia, Grupo de demografía y salud, Colombia

Claudia Patricia Roncancio

Universidad de Antioquia, Grupo de demografía y salud, Colombia

Hugo Grisales

Universidad de Antioquia, Grupo de demografía y salud, Colombia.

Noél Barengo

Florida International University


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How to Cite

Medina DAB, Roncancio CP, Grisales H, Barengo N. Characterization of rabies exposure in colombia, 2007-2011. RVZ [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];25(1):155-63. Available from:



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