Relationship between biometric measures and body weight in texel sheep


  • Fernando Augusto Grandis
  • Francisco Fernandes Junior
  • Luiz Fernando Coelha da Cunha
  • Carla Bompiani d' Ancora Dias
  • Edson Luis de Azambuja Ribeiro
  • Camila Constantino
  • Natália Albieri Koritiaki
  • Andressa Amorim Cestari



allometry, bodily measurement, chest girth, corporal compactness, zootechnical control


This study aimed to evaluate the prediction of body weight of Texel sheep, through linear and nonlinear regression, based on body measurements of chest girth, body length, withers height and scrotal circumference, and to describe the growth behavior of the measures in relation to the body weight. Data from 200 Texel sheep were used. Data were collected by trained technicians in agricultural exhibitions that took place in the state of Parana, Brazil between 2009 and 2014. The data for males and females were analyzed separately. It was determined the correlations between the measures and the weight. All these characteristics were significantly correlated, with the chest girth presenting the greater correlation with body weight (r = 0.93 for males and r = 0.90 for females). Among the statistical models generated for the prediction of body weight, the models which considered the chest girth and withers height were the most accurate. Body length was not satisfactory in the prediction. In the nonlinear regressions, it was observed that the biometric measures showed negative allometric growth in relation to body weight, indicating that these measures increase faster than weight. The body measurements, particularly the chest girth can be used as an alternative method for obtaining the animal body weight.


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How to Cite

Grandis FA, Junior FF, da Cunha LFC, d’ Ancora Dias CB, Ribeiro EL de A, Constantino C, Koritiaki NA, Cestari AA. Relationship between biometric measures and body weight in texel sheep. RVZ [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];25(2):1-8. Available from:



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