Case report: testicular degeneration in dog by doramectin abstract


  • Romildo Romualdo Weiss1
  • Melina Andrea Formighieri Bertol
  • Ana Claudia Machinski Rangel De Abreu
  • Rubia Carolina Sella
  • Bruna Lampe Zielinski
  • Bruna Natali Da Costa


antiparasitic, testicular degeneration, infertility


The testicular degeneration is one of the most common and important causes of low fertility
in males of domestic species, with several etiologies. Dogs with normal fertility and that show
changes in reproductive parameters are then classified as acquired infertility patients, related
with the degeneration process of the testicular parenchyma. This case report aims to describe
the negative effect of doramectin in dog reproductive system, whereas there is no paper in the
literature regarding this subject.


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How to Cite

Weiss1 RR, Formighieri Bertol MA, Machinski Rangel De Abreu AC, Sella RC, Lampe Zielinski B, Da Costa BN. Case report: testicular degeneration in dog by doramectin abstract . RVZ [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 4 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];23(1):78-82. Available from:



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