Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of grass piatã in system crop-livestock integration


  • Andréia da Cruz Quintino
  • Roberto Giolo de Almeida
  • Joadil Gonçalves de Abreu
  • Manuel Claudio Motta Macedo


Brachiaria brizantha, autumn-winter, sorghum, leaf elongation rate


The objective was to evaluate the morphogenesis and structural of grass Piatã in single and
intercropped with sorghum cutting and regrowth in grazing autumn-winter in integrated croplivestock. The experiment was conducted in the area of Embrapa Beef Cattle, Campo GrandeMS (20 ° 27 'S, 54 ° 37' W), 530 m altitude. The experimental design was a randomized
complete block with two treatments and four replications. The evaluated traits were
evaluated: leaf appearance rate, phyllochron, leaf elongation rate, stem elongation rate, final
length of leaf blade, number of leaves per tiller, leaf life span and rate of leaf senescence. The
average leaf appearance rate was 0,090 day-1 sheet, which is considered high. The leaf life
span and leaf elongation rate had 5.59 cm day-1 and 85,60 days, respectively, are also high
results for the dry season. In the strutuctural characteristics, the number of leaves per tiller
was 7,25 leaves tiller-1, final length of leaf blade has demonstrated value of 31.90 cm -1 tiller,
considered low, which may result from lower culm length. The regrowth of grass Piatã is not
interfered by intercropping with sorghum in the morphogenetic and structural characteristics.


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How to Cite

da Cruz Quintino A, Giolo de Almeida R, Gonçalves de Abreu J, Motta Macedo MC. Morphogenetic and structural characteristics of grass piatã in system crop-livestock integration. RVZ [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];23(1):131-8. Available from:



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