



En, herds; Trypanosoma vivax; farmers; diagnosis.


Having one of the largest commercial herds of cattle in the world, Brazil stands out among other countries, however, among the sanitary problems that affect these herds, Trypanosomosis has been gaining space and great significance, due to the major economic and reproductive problems that are coming causing in the brazilian herd. The most important and causative agent is Trypanosoma vivax, which are protozoa disseminated by mechanical vectors, such as horseflies and hematophagous flies such as those of the genus Stomoxys. These agents are distributed all over the world, but preferentially in tropical climate areas in Brazil, affecting both dairy and beef cattle, causing great damage to farmers. The clinical signs of this disease are nonspecific, which has raised concern about the spread and lack of diagnosis of this disease, but mainly include anemia or progressive weight loss, in addition to loss of productivity in affected animals. Diagnosis is made through parasitological tests, such as blood smears, serological and molecular tests, and, mainly, using the Woo method. Finally, the treatment and control of this disease consists of chemotherapy treatments and control of the causative vectors. In this sense, this brief literature review aims to raise data on this disease, such as: etiological agent, clinical signs, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, in order to contribute with information about the disease that is gaining ground and needs further dissemination of knowledge, so that it is not forgotten and underdiagnosed.



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How to Cite

Caramori CH, Manfro Magalhães G, Grando TH. En TRYPANOSOMIASIS IN CATTLE : BRIEF LITERATURE REVIEW. RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];29:1-9. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/653



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