



Ichthyology, Measurement, Digestive system


This study aims to describe and measure the digestive tract of the species Acestrorhynchus lacustris. Ten specimens of the species were used, captured in different parts of the river basin of the Ondas river, located west of the State of Bahia, in the aquatic ecoregion of the São Francisco river. Fish measurements and weighing were carried out. The oropharyngeal cavity and postpharyngeal digestive organs were analyzed, described and measured: esophagus, stomach, pyloric cecum and intestine. To define the size of the organs of the species, regardless of the size of the sample, the relative length of the organs, except the pyloric cecum, was calculated. The species A. lacustris has a terminal mouth, a wide oral cleft and oropharyngeal cavity, conical and canine teeth; short, muscular, and compliant esophagus; elongated, muscular stomach, cecal type, shaped like a "Y"; seven to fifteen pyloric cecum that appear as bowel movements; and intestine short, muscular and quite thick. The data obtained show that the size of the organs that make up the digestive tract of the species is not related to the size of the specimen. The study of the anatomical characteristics of the digestive tract expanded the biological and ecological knowledge of the studied species, helping to understand the performance of this species in natural ecosystems and in the elaboration of proposals for the preservation or management of the species.

Author Biographies

Rosana Marques Silva, Federal University of Western Bahia

Veterinary Doctor (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil). PhD in Anatomy of Domestic and Wild Animals (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Professor at the Federal University of Western Bahia, Brazil.

Michel Castro Moreira, Federal University of Viçosa

Bachelor of Computer Science (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil). PhD in Agricultural Engineering (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil). Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil.

Lourdes Marina Bezerra Pessoa, Bahia State University

Veterinary Doctor (State University of Ceará, Brazil). Master in Animal Health (University of Brasília, Brazil). Professor at the State University of Bahia, Brazil.

Elis Regina Rodrigues de Souza Castro , Federal University of Western Bahia

Biologist (Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Brazil). Master in Environmental Sciences (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil). Biologist at the Municipality of Santa Maria da Vitória - BA.


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How to Cite

França Guedes W, Marques Silva R, Castro Moreira M, Bezerra Pessoa LM, Rodrigues de Souza Castro ER. DIGESTIVE TRACT ANATOMY OF THE SPECIES ACESTRORHYNCHUS LACUSTRIS (OSTARYOHISI, CHARACIFORMES) LÜTKEN, 1875 FROM ONDAS RIVER, WESTERN BAHIA, BRAZIL. RVZ [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];28:1-15. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/654



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