


Fatty acid profile of meat, sheep, vegetable oils


To meet the demand of consumers, increasingly concerned about health and well-being, strategies such as modifying the fatty acid profile of products from ruminants (meat and milk) have been adopted to obtain a lower proportion of saturated fatty acids (SFA) which are generally associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The inclusion of lipid sources, such as vegetable oils, rich in unsaturated fatty acids in the diet of ruminants, has been aimed at improving the efficiency of energy use, as it has a lower caloric increase compared to carbohydrates, as well as improving the qualitative aspects of the meat, mainly with regard to the fatty acid profile, and the increase in the functional compounds of the meat. However, because the food nature of ruminants is associated with the consumption of forages, which are poor in this nutrient, there is a limitation in their use, since they are toxic to ruminal microorganisms. Thus, researches evaluating the inclusion of lipid sources in the diet of ruminant animals have been carried out as a food alternative to improve meat quality, minimizing the effects on ruminal fermentation.


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How to Cite

Vilarindo de Sousa S. LIPÍDIOS EM DIETAS PARA RUMINANTES E SEUS EFEITOS SOBRE A QUALIDADE DA CARNE. RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];29:1-12. Available from:



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