
  • Alessandra Snak
  • Kira Maria Agostini
  • Paola Fernanda Lenzi
  • Cleuza Rocha Montanucci
  • Luis Eduardo Delgado
  • Marivone Valentim Zabott


zoological, mammals, parasitological analyzes


With the aim of contributing to the knowledge of parasitic diseases that affect wild animals in
captivity, it was conducted this study with the goal of providing data on the frequency of
parasites in wild mammals kept in the Municipal Park Danilo Galafassi (Municipal Zoo of
Cascavel-PR ). The population of animals studied was 94 animals, order Carnivora (n = 22),
Primate (n = 33), Artyodactyla (n = 39), distributed in 33 different enclosures. The material was
analyzed by two methods: flotation in supersaturated solution of sodium chloride (WillisMollay) and simple sedimentation (Hoffmann, Pons and Janer). The results of the analysis
showed 38.95% of positive samples for at least one endoparasite. The helminthes found in
positive samples were Strongyloides sp., Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara sp., Capillaria spp.,
Trichuris sp., Spirometra spp., Eimeria spp., Cystoisospora sp., superfamilies Strongyloidea,
Oxyuroidea and class Cestoda. It was concluded that, given the parasitological findings, there
is necessity to intensify parasite control measures in that zoo.


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How to Cite

Snak A, Agostini KM, Lenzi PF, Montanucci CR, Delgado LE, Zabott MV. PERFIL PARASITOLÓGICO DE MAMÍFEROS SILVESTRES CATIVOS. RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];24(1):193-200. Available from:



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