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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Read all recommendations carefully!!!
  • Insert the full name of each author and the respective data of each one.
  • The standard used for references and citations is Vancouver. Numeric Citations in the text must be un ascending order (1, 2, 3, 4, etc).
  • If you send a corrected work at the request of the advisor, DO NOT start a new submission. Attach the corrected work to the already existing publication.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by any other scientific journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor", at the time of submission.
  • The contribution will be accepted as original if it is already available in a preprint repository, provided that the respective URL, or DOI, of the preprint is indicated.
  • The submission file is in editable file, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
    PDF files will not be accepted.
  • The file to be submitted must contain the Title, Abstract, and Keywords, in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • Title, Abstract and Keywords must be typed in the submission form in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of the text.
  • In the submission form, indicate the language of the text, using the abbreviation of pt for Portuguese, en for English and sp for Spanish.
  • The title must be typed in the form in capital letters. In the text, use Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, centered, capital letters and uppercase acronyms.
  • In each author's profile, the URL field must be filled in with a link to their Lattes Curriculum, if any. ORCID field must be filled in for all authors. Indicate affiliation and title of each of the authors only in the submission form, and not in the text.
  • The text must be single-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12 and justified.
  • All citations in the text are with their respective numbers.
  • All References indicate, as the last element, the respective DOIs, or URLs of the full texts where they were made available. DOIs and URLs must be active links so that the reader can access full text in one click. Exception made only for references not available in full text on the web.
  • In case of involvement of human beings or experimental animals, post in the OJS, as a supplementary document, the opinion of the Ethics Committee or equivalent, which must include the date of approval.
  • Delete in the properties of the document to be submitted all authorship information, leaving it as anonymous, so that authorship is not identified by the evaluators.
  • The text must follow all style standards and requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors >
  • Answer all items questioned by the advisor, in a response letter, and note the changes made in the new text.

Author Guidelines


From 2019 only contributions submitted via the OJS system will be accepted


  1. Title of the manuscript in Portuguese, English and Spanish, font Times New Roman, size 12, with single spacing, in bold and centered, in upper case letters.
  2. When necessary, indicate the research funding as the first footnote. Funding should also be indicated in the submission platform, in the specific field.
  3. When human beings or animals are involved, report in the OJS the Ethics Committee statement, or equivalent, as a supplementary document, which should include the date of approval.
  4. Abstracts should be copied and pasted into the language-specific boxes. They should contain a maximum of 400 words each, and include introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. The abstract, resumen and resumo must be reliable translations among themselves. Regardless of the manuscript language, it should contain the Abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish. They should contain a maximum of five keywords related to the content of the text.
  5. The structure of the article include: Introduction: should be clear, objective and related to the problem that is being investigated, to the specialized literature, and to the objectives of the research. The introduction specifies the objective of the study. Material and Methods: should provide information on the reproducibility of the study, clearly and concisely, such as variables, population, samples, equipment and methods used, including statistics. Results: presentation of the results obtained, which should be described without interpretations and comparisons. It may be in the form of tables (maximum of five), arranged in Arabic numbers and headed by the title, identified as “Table”; in the form of figures, such as graphics, photos, drawings, maps, etc., arranged in Arabic numbers, up to a maximum of six and quoted in the text as “Figure”, inserted in the text. Photos can be in black and white or colored also inserted in the text. In the case of original drawings, the file must be in adequate resolution and quality. Discussion: concerns the interpretation of the results, grounded in the literature presented in the introduction. If necessary, the results and discussion may be presented together. Conclusions: it is the final synthesis, based on the results and the objective. References: must be submitted in accordance with Vancouver standards (
  6. Manuscripts texts should be edited in Microsoft Word for Windows, and graphics in Excel (any version). Figures must be in JPEG or GIF (image) format. Page format in A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm), double space, maintaining all four margins with 2.5 cm. Times New Roman font, size 12, and consecutive numbering of pages in Arabic numbers, from the identification onwards.

Lines should be numbered, initiating a new count in each page. The manuscript cannot exceed 15 pages. Unusual abbreviations can be used only after its complete name has being written.

  1. The file to be submitted should contain only the Title, Abstract, Keywords, in the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. In sequence, there should be the body of the text from the Introduction forward. Other data, authorship, membership, etc., which will be typed in specific fields on the submission platform, should not be available for reviewers – therefore, they should not be included in the manuscript file that is going to be submitted
  2. Delete in the manuscript file any information that can indicate the authorship, thus giving a completely anonymous review.


Review articles will be published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, when the author presents scientific contribution, relevant in the specific subject area addressed, and when invited by the editors. They should contain: Title (Portuguese, English and Spanish), abstract with keywords (Portuguese, English and Spanish), introduction, development of the subject, conclusion and references. They should contain a maximum of 20 pages and 60 references. 


They should not be structured like the articles. They must present the title in Portuguese, in English and Spanish, abstract with keywords (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and references. They should contain a maximum of five pages, three tables or figures and 15 references. 


They are reports that contain unpublished and relevant data from original studies, such as preliminary results of a research. They must be presented with a maximum of five pages, one table and 10 references. The structure must follow the standards for case reports.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order they are mentioned in the text. References should be identified in the text, in the tables and legends with Arabic numbers, in parentheses, following the same sequence. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus available at:
Indicate all authors in the references so that the citations are ranked by the automatic indexers and altimetric indexes. Do not use et al. in the references, only in citations in the body of the text and when the reference has more than two authors.  

Examples of References  

1 Journal article

Andrade SF, Sakate M.  Intoxicação por amitraz: revisão.  Vet Not. 2004;10:1-15.

Modolo JR, Stachissini AVM, Gennari SM, Dubey JP, Langoni H, Padovani CV, (all authors).  Freqüência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em soros de caprinos do estado de São Paulo e sua relação com o manejo dos animais. Pesq Vet Bras. 2008;28:597-9.

2 Organization as author 

Association of Official Analytical Chemists.  Official methods of analysis. 12nd ed. Washington; 1975.  

Universidade Federal de Viçosa.  SAEG: sistema de análises estatísticas e genéticas:  manual do usuário: versão 7.1.  Viçosa; 1997.

3 Book 

Modolo JR, Stachissini AVM, Castro RS, Ravazzolo AP.  Planejamento de saúde para o controle da artrite-encefalite caprina.  São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica; 2003.

 4 Book Chapter

Corrêa MC, Corrêa CNM.  Estafilococias em geral.  In: Corrêa MC, Corrêa CNM.  Enfermidades infecciosas dos mamíferos domésticos.  2a ed.  Rio de Janeiro: MEDSI, 1992.  p.91-103.

Mendes AA, Saldanha ESPB.  A cadeia produtiva da carne de aves no Brasil.  In: Mendes AA, Naas IA, Macari M. Produção de frangos de corte.  Campinas: FACTA, 2004. p.1-22

5 Articles presented in conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.

 Malhado CHM,  Piccinin A, Gimenez JN, Ramos AA, Gonçalves HC.   Modelos polinomiais para descrever a curva de postura de codornas.  In: Anais do 3o Congresso Nordestino de Produção Animal; 2004, Campina Grande.  Campina Grande: Universidade Federal da Paraíba; 2004. p.1-3 

6 Theses, Dissertations and Other Academic Works 

Mortari AC.  Avaliação da técnica de transposição do músculo semitendinoso para reparo do diafragma pélvico: estudo experimental em cães [dissertação].  Botucatu: Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista; 2004. 
7 Publications available on the Internet 

Vasconcelos JLM.  Endometrite subclínica em vacas leiteiras. Campinas; 2004 [cited  2004 Jan 16]. Available from: <>. 

Examples of citations

O material deve ser mantido em compressas embebidas em solução fisiológica para evitar o ressecamento (5).

Aulisa (1)  administrou heparina, por via intramuscular, em cobaias.

Udupa & Prasad (9) utilizaram osteoclasia manual do úmero sem imobilização

Herbsman et al. (7) realizaram osteoclasia manual no fêmur e não imobilizaram.

O rato apresenta níveis mais elevados de heparina que o homem (35,42,51).

O mesmo autor obteve resultados semelhantes, mesmo com metodologias diferentes (22-26).


Original Articles

They must be elaborated according to the Veterinary and Animal Science Journal norms. The structure of the article should contain introduction, material and methods, results that can be presented in a descriptive way in the form of tables and figures. It should also contain discussion session and conclusions, as well as references that should be in accordance with Vancouver standards.

Review Articles

It should be elaborated presenting the descriptive characteristics. They may be published in Spanish, English and Portuguese language. It must have clear formulation of scientific objective with logical argumentation, theoretical-methodological criticism of the works consulted and conclusive synthesis. They should contain title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, abstract with keywords in English, Portuguese and Spanish, introduction, development of the subject, conclusion and references. They should contain a maximum of 20 pages and 60 references

Case Reports

It should be considered interesting cases that fit the purpose of Veterinary and Animal Science Journal. They
should not be structured as articles. Should contain titles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, abstract with
keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish, case report and references with a maximum of 5 pages, 3 tables or figures and 15 references.

Short Communications

They are considered reports containing unpublished data and relevant data from original studies, such as
preliminary results of a research. They must contain a maximum of 5 pages.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.