
  • Helio Langoni
  • Marcella Zampoli Troncarelli
  • Guido Gomes Wanderley
  • Anelise Salina


cows, mastitis, algae, Prototheca, milk


Bovine mastitis is a serious problem on dairy farms, causing sanitary and economic losses and public health damages. It determines milk production reduction, high costs with manpower, professional fees, drugs for treatment; and also animals’ death or slaughter; possibility of food borne pathogens transmission; and also reduction of milk derivate production rates on
industry. As infectious causes of mastitis there are contagious and environmental microorganisms, being the first ones often transmitted to cows during milking process; and the environmental pathogens normally infect animals after milking, when teat sphincters stay opened. Several microorganisms may be enrolled on bovine mastitis etiology, as bacteria, fungi, yeasts and algae. Considering alga, it is important to note the genus Prototheca, that determines subclinical or clinical mastitis, under outbreak cases, normally with chronicle course, that progress with high somatic cell counts, milk alterations and intensive milk
production losses, with abrupt production stopping.  The aim of the present review study is to discuss Prototheca genus algae and its relationship with bovine mastitis; and also its pathogenicity for mammary gland; and aspects of diagnosis
and control.


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How to Cite

Langoni H, Troncarelli MZ, Wanderley GG, Salina A. PROTOTECOSE MAMÁRIA. UM PROBLEMA NOS REBANHOS LEITEIROS. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];20(4):552-66. Available from:



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