


conservation, deterioration, dry matter


The objective was to evaluate the quality of sorghum silage with the addition of different levels of commercial inoculant and its benefits it ensiled mass. The design was completely randomized, with five replications for each treatment. The treatments were: T1: 0 g/kg of forage, sorghum silage without inoculant (0%); T2: 0.05 g/kg of forage (25% of the recommended by the manufacturer); T3: 1 g/kg of forage (50% of the recommended by the manufacturer); T4: 2 g/kg of forage (100% of the recommended by the manufacturer). Twenty experimental PVC silos were made, equipped with a Bunsen valve. The silos were filled with 1,900 kg of forage, sealed and stored for 45 days in a place protected from sunlight and rain. After 45 days, they were opened, material was collected to perform aerobic stability and for chemical-bromatological analyses. The aerobic stability results were submitted to descriptive analysis and chemical-bromatological analysis to analysis of variance through PROC GLM, where linear and quadratic contrasts were tested, considering a probability of 5% (P<0.05), in the program SAS statistician. The addition of inoculant promoted a linear effect (P<0.05) on dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, ether extract, acid detergent insoluble nitrogen compounds, acid detergent insoluble protein, dry matter digestibility and total digestible nutrients. . However, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between the levels of mineral matter, organic matter, crude protein and ammoniacal nitrogen. The addition of inoculant did not promote greater aerobic stability. The application of the commercial inoculant did not provide a positive effect on the chemical-bromatological composition and stability of sorghum silages.




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How to Cite

Marinho JVN, Dib K de S, Guimarães AK, da Cunha RN, Lima RF de. The CHEMICAL-BROMATOLOGICAL COMPOSITION AND STABILITY OF SORGHUM SILAGES (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) WITH ADDITION OF COMMERCIAL INOCULANT. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];30:1-12. Available from: