
  • Carolina Melchior do Prado UFPR
  • Mathias Dislich
  • Ricardo Birolini Clasta
  • Zalmir Silvino Cubas




ultrasonography, wildlife medicine, snakes


The ultrasonography enables assessments which result in relevant information for the maintenance of the species in captivity. Thus, we conducted a study with 15 specimens of Boa constrictor of both sexes, in order to characterize the ultrasonographic appearance, of reproductive structures, liver and gall bladder of these animals, through the side window technique. Besides that, we evaluate the influence of the factors fasting interval and size of the individual in the ultrasonographic characterization of structures. Pre-vitellogenic follicles were characterized by rounded shape, filled primarily by anechoic content and homogeneous and coarse echotexture and vitellogenic follicles showed anechogenic and hypoechoic content, both with fine and regular margins. Testes were characterized by elongated shape, parenchymal with echogenicity mean, regular margins and homogeneous echotexture. The liver showed elongated shape, parenchyma with mixed echogenicity (hypoechoic to hyperechoic), echogenic margins, homogeneous echotexture and average size of 27,6 cm. The gallbladder showed rounded shape, filled with anechoic content, surrounded by a thin hyperechoic margin. Of the factors evaluated, fasting interval was the one that interfered the most in the ultrasonographic characterization of the organs. The size of the snakes did not exert any influence. It was concluded that ultrasound, through the side window technique, is effective in the evaluation of the organs studied.


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How to Cite

do Prado CM, Dislich M, Clasta RB, Cubas ZS. ULTRASONOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES, LIVER AND GALLBLADDER OF Boa constrictor (Linnaeus, 1758) ex situ. RVZ [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 24 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];27:1-10. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/175



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