Effect of mineral supplementation with zeolite on nutrient intake by feedlot santa inês lambs
stilbite, Santa Inês lamb, dry matter intake, nutrients intakeAbstract
The effect of nutritional supplementation with zeolite on nutrient consumption of 48 Santa Ines
confined lambs. The animals were divided into four groups of treatments with increasing levels
of zeolite of 0 (control), 25, 50 and 75 g/animal/day. The food provided and the leftovers were
weighed daily and weekly sampled for laboratory analysis. The average daily dry matter intake
(DMI), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) did not differ (p> .05) among the
treatments, respectively 0.90, 0.140 and 0.250 kg / day. Feed conversion was (p<0.05) more
efficient with the highest levels of zeolite in the diet. There was an interaction between
treatment and sex, being higher than females for the total dry matter intake. Supplementation
of lambs with zeolite doses tested in this experiment did not influence nutrients intake
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