Survey regarding the use of animals in research at unesp biosciences institute, Botucatu - SP


  • Ana Elisa Sales Dourado
  • Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna
  • Nadia Crosignani


Laboratory animals, animal experimentation, ethics, bioethics


The use of animals for scientific purposes in the biological area is a current paradigm. This
study aimed, by using a questionnaire, to investigate the opinions of researchers and the
practice and conditions of use of animals in scientific experimentation in the area of
Biological Sciences, of the Institute of Biosciences (IB), Universidade Estadual Paulista
"Julio de Mesquita Filho "(UNESP), campus of Botucatu. Of 39 researchers, 28% used
animals in research, with a predominance of rodents and fish. The use of animals in research
was considered highly necessary or necessary for 79% of researchers, including those who did
not use animals for this purpose, with a predominance of researchers with more than 20 years
career. From those who use animals, 73% did not believe in the viability of replacement
methods in their research areas. Among the researchers who did not use animals any more,
83% did so by changing the area of research and not for ethical or financial reasons. Some
elimination methods ("euthanasia") are in violation of current legislation, 73% of the
environments had temperature and light control and there was no environmental enrichment
in 65% of environments. The vast majority of researchers and mainly the olders, still consider
the animal model as necessary to test scientific hypotheses. The conclusion was that the use of
substitutive methods should be encouraged, by validation of substitute methods, so that
researchers may become familiar with this new perspective. From the animal point of view it
is necessary to follow the current legislation regarding “euthanasia”, the use of painkillers
during all invasive interventions and inclusion of environmental enrichment for improving the
welfare of animals.


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How to Cite

Elisa Sales Dourado A, Pacca Loureiro Luna S, Crosignani N. Survey regarding the use of animals in research at unesp biosciences institute, Botucatu - SP. RVZ [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];24(2):353-62. Available from:



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