Exuberant granulation tissue with presence of Candida sp in stomach of ponies treated with omeprazole


  • José de Oliveira Pinto
  • Maria Verônica de Souza
  • Paulo Renato dos Santos Costa
  • José Ivo Ribeiro Junior
  • José do Carmo Lopes Moreira


gastric ulcer, horse, gastric acid inhibitors, candidiasis


Two case of exuberant granulation tissue covering spontaneous noglandular gastric ulcers bed in two
ponies healthy orally fed 4 mg kg-1 of omeprazole during 31 days, are reported. The histopathological
examination of this tissue disclosed ulcers with tissue necrosis, fibrinous-leucocytary exudates, and
exuberant granulation tissue. Additionally, structures similar to bacteria, pseudo-hyphas and spores of
Candida sp were observed. Although the problem, the animals were apparently healthy during the
treatment. The gastric lesion previously observed was absent between 75 and 90 days the ending of the
treatment with omeprazole.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Pinto J, de Souza MV, dos Santos Costa PR, Ribeiro Junior JI, do Carmo Lopes Moreira J. Exuberant granulation tissue with presence of Candida sp in stomach of ponies treated with omeprazole. RVZ [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];15(3):449-55. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/397



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