ophthalmology; lymphoid organs; chemotherapyAbstract
Characterized as a malignant neoplasm, lymphoma advances initially in lymphoid tissues, but can present itself in different tissues. Dogs, in comparison to other species, tend to manifest lymphoma in a more aggressive way, regardless of their place of expression. The present study aimed to describe a case of a dog of the Fox American breed that presented an increase in the volume of the periorbital region and third eyelid, being diagnosed with lymphoma, after ultrasound and histopathological exams. After the definitive diagnosis of lymphoma, chemotherapy treatment was started, which lasted 19 weeks. At the end of the protocol, the patient showed complete remission of the ophthalmic manifestations, however, monthly follow-up was advised, and for three consecutive months in the evaluations, the patient did not present any clinical changes. It is concluded that lymphoma pictures can present manifestations that affect the periorbital region, being extremely important the clinical evaluation and accomplishment of complementary exams for exclusion of other ophthalmic diseases, and adoption of effective therapeutic measures.
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