Evaluation of protein loss in post mortem of broiler by electrophoretic method


  • Luciana Beckhauser Moraes
  • Juan Carlos Corti Lubeck
  • Paulo Roberto Rodrigues Ramos
  • Roberto Oliveira Roça
  • Paulo Tadeu Figueira


SDS-PAGE, densitometry, relative mobility


In the quest for obtaining better animal protein for human consumption, was established a
network of interconnected practices, which begin at the time of feeding the animal on the
property until the time of human consumption. Within these practices, in relation to the
animal post-mortem and your monitoring, can be related as essential to the formation of a
quality product. Therefore, the physical-chemical aspects inherent in raw material are
fundamental, and this formation is directly related to the quality of the resulting protein in the
process. To evaluate the characteristics of a protein of a food, one of the techniques widely
used is the electrophoresis, in which we can check the properties of these and their profiles,
including identifying what species arises. This study aimed to identify and characterize the
specific loss of protein fractions that occur in post mortem by evaluating the relative mobility
and densitometric analysis of proteins from Pectoralis major of broiler. Meat samples were
used for 5 broilers slaughtered in a laboratory, with samples taken at intervals of 30 minutes,
totaling six harvests. After extraction of protein samples, succeeded to run electrophoresis in
10% SDS-PAGE and identification of protein bands fractionated held extraction gel image in
Image Capture VDS and your ANOVA in statistical program, for tabulation of results. With
the analysis of the data, it was possible to see when during the process of resolution of rigor
mortis, in the post mortem occurs one significant loss of protein fractions, with higher loss in
protein with greater density. You can also analyze that because the use of broilers of the same
batch, sex, and weight, with management similarly, no expected significant changes in
relative mobility, because this proving to be a specific characteristic and distinctive for each
species. It can be concluded that the metabolic process in the processing of meat muscle
causes changes in nutritional constitution of the meat product with respect to proteins;
however, the process does not alter the relative mobility of the fractions.


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How to Cite

Beckhauser Moraes L, Corti Lubeck JC, Rodrigues Ramos PR, Oliveira Roça R, Tadeu Figueira P. Evaluation of protein loss in post mortem of broiler by electrophoretic method. RVZ [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(1):114-22. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/631



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