Importance of rational handling in radiographic examination of metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal joit (fetlock) in horses – review
rational handling, radiography, metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal joint, equineAbstract
Currently the equines are being included in the most varied activities, such as leisure, sport
and therapy. Among the various sites of musculoskeletal lesions in horses, the
metacarpophalangeal joint injuries are considered as a major cause of lameness. Radiographic
examination is one of the diagnostic methods of greater accessibility and contributes to the
diagnosis of locomotor injuries in the equine species. Many of the tasks associated with the
handling of equine during the radiographic procedure, particularly on the distal parts of the
limbs, can increase fear reactions, leading to non-cooperation of the animal to the procedure
and, consequently, generating adverse situations to the animal and professionals involved.
This literature review aims to highlight the importance of rational management associated
with radiographic examination of the metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal (fetlock), highlighting he main difficulties for the realization of the radiographic exam and the facilitators methods
to success on radiographic projections of this region.
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