


Key words: Platinosomosis, hepatic, parasitc, ultrasound.



Platinosomiasis is an importante parasitic hepatobiliary disease that affects felines, whether they live freely or semi-domiciled. The etiological agent is the trematode Platynosomum spp. And the disease is popularly known as "lizard poisoning". The clinical manifestations of platinosomiasis are non-specific and the observation of liver lesions observed are, which makes the diagnosis difficult. Felines have a hunting habit and by ingesting these small invertebrates, they can  continuing the platinosomiasis cycle, since these animals are the definitive hosts of this parasite.This trematode frequently lodges in the biliary tract of cats, causing injury and possible obstruction of the bile duct.

The degree of involvement of liver lesions is in dependence on both immunity and the parasite load of the animal. The diagnosis of choice is the parasitological examination of feces, although it is still considered not very sensitive, and  the use of other diagnostic tools is relevant. The ultrasonographic examination allows the observation of hepatic alterations and even the parasite itself inside the bile duct, contributing to the elucidation of this disease. He was treated at the "Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira", a feline with a history of jaundice, and the clinical examination showed a lean body score and dehydration of 8%. After clinical evaluation of the animal, he was referred to the Diagnostic Imaging Department for abdominal ultrasonography evaluation, during the exam it was seen an increase in the hepatic dimensions, edema of the gallbladder wall and the small presence of a filiform, hyperecogenic structure inside.



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How to Cite

Silva Oliveira B, Marques de Castro AL, da Silva Santos JF, Ferreira WL, Del Rio Pinoti5 Del Rio Pinoti L. CONTRIBUTION OF ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF PLATINOSOME FELINE. RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];29:1-7. Available from:



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