
  • Wilham Jorge


origin, evolution, taurine, zebuine cattle


The two forms of livestock, identified as taurine and zebu, are basically differentiated from each other by the absence and presence of hump. Fetuses with a few weeks already have hump. Cattle are now represented by about 800 races, a world population of 1.4 billion animals. Around 480 are in Europe and are taurines. In Brazil, about 60 races, which accounts for 7.5% of the total. Work on the sequencing and analysis of the bovine genome published in Science in 2009, held in taurine, zebu cattle and their crosses, represent the effort of a Consortium of three hundred researchers from 25 countries. The results are able to identify the genetic variability affecting the production of milk and meat, reproduction, disease resistance, as well as a guide for individual selection in breeding programs. Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA from fossils and living animals indicate that populations of the extinct aurochs (Bos primigenius) were the progenitors of European cattle (Bos taurus taurus) and zebu cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Hence the proposed designation of two subspecies of cattle, Bos primigenius taurus for taurines and Bos primigenius indicus for zebu. Archaeological evidence showed that taurine and zebu cattle have arisen independently in at least two places
of domestication between 10,000 to 8,000 years ago from different groups of aurochs. Taurines have emerged from the Near East (Fertile Crescent) and zebu from Indus Valley (now Pakistan) with diffusion by India and more recently (3000 years) with the introduction of males in North Africa. Molecular data suggest that zebu cattle in North Africa originated from the crossing of local primitive lineage of taurines using the male zebu introgression. Subsequently, cattle accompanied human migration throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, leading to dispersion and crosses of taurine and zebu cattle. The cattle genome contains at least 22,000 genes and the estimated time of divergence indicates that taurus and indicus split from 1.7 to 2.0 million years ago with 16,338 nucleotide sequence and 16,339 respectively, differing among themselves in 237 positions . 


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How to Cite

Jorge W. THE BOVINE GENOMIC - ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF TAURINE AND ZEBUINE CATTLE. RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];20(2):9-30. Available from:



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