


clinical pathology, liver disease, cytological examination, birds


This study aimed to correlate the results of serum biochemical tests used for liver evaluation of blue fronted parrots submitted to fine needle cytopathology (FNC) examination, in order to identify differences between the biochemical findings of normal and abnormal cytological tests. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle cytopathology samples were collected from 20 blue fronted parrots, as well as blood samples for serum biochemistry tests to assess liver injury and function. Serum dosages of AST, ALT, FA, CK, GGT, PT and albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides were performed. FNC samples were only classified as normal or altered. Among the 20 birds, 10 had normal FNC and 10 had a cytological alteration. Only the AST enzyme showed statistical difference between the two groups (p=0.04). The other biochemical tests did not show statistical significance in the comparison between groups. Among the various enzymes studied, many still have little information about their possible diagnostic value in birds, with the need for further investigations that can elucidate their potential diagnostic values in avian medicine.


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How to Cite

Felix Sanches T, Canevese Rahal S, Zuliani F, Wickbold V, Zorzetto P, Pereira da Silva J, Mamprim MJ. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF BIOCHEMISTRY TESTS AND FINE NEEDLE CYTOPATHOLOGY IN LIVERS FROM BLUE FRONTED PARROTS (Amazona aestiva). RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 17];30:1-9. Available from:



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