Eustrongylides spp., Nematodes, Parasite, Fish, WaterfowlAbstract
Belonging to the family Dioctophymatidae, the genus Eustrongylides spp. comprises three species, which are responsible for eustrongilidiasis, one of the main parasitic zoonoses transmissible by the consumption of inadequate fish meat. In this sense, this work corresponds to a theoretical-descriptive review of the scientific productions of the databases of Scielo, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, Pubmed, Pubvet, Capes Journals and Google Scholar. In order to evaluate the epidemiological aspects of eustrongilidiasis, 60 articles related to the subject were chosen, of which 13 were considered relevant. After analysis, 30.76% of the sources mentioned birds as animals affected by eustrongilidiasis, the remaining 84.61% referred to fish, and of these, 53.84% related to Hoplias malabaricus. Among the species of Eustrongylides spp, E. tubifex was the most frequent. The most commonly used diagnostic method among the selected articles was autopsy. On the other hand, only one author reported the therapy used, corresponding to 7.69%. Of the 13 works chosen, 69.24% reported the occurrence of the disease in Brazil, and, although there are no records of affected humans, the possibility should not be ruled out. With this in mind, the present research may assist in public health promotion measures.
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