Consumer profile of chicken meat in the municipality of Aquidauana, MS


  • Elis Regina de Moraes Garcia
  • Rosemary Pereira de Pedro Souza
  • Nanci Cappi
  • Laura Ramos de Ávila
  • William Britez Feliciano
  • Flavia Kleszcz da Cruz


cuts, frequency of consumption, preference, points of sales


This study aimed to identify the consumer profile of chicken meat in the city of AquidauanaMS. They were interviewed 160 consumers in the sales offices through questionnaires defined.
The results showed that 59% of consumers are women aged between 40 and 50 years, with high
education and family income of two minimum salaries. Of the respondents, 43% have a habit
of consuming chicken meat at least three times a week. Regarding preferably, consumers chose
the first beef (78%) and the second chicken meat (74%). Most respondents consumer the desired
amount of chicken meat, and 45% consider as important features when buying quality, followed
by hygiene (35%), price (13%) and origin of the product (7%). On the actions that would
increase consumption, 52% of respondents would increase consumption by reducing the price
of chicken meat; to 30% fat reduction is that the consumer would leverage; 11% increase
consumption by the increase in the price of other meats and 8% by improving the presentation
of the product. The merits of the flesh, most respondents could not say the source of it. And
when asked 93% of respondents considered it important to know the animal production system,
and believe that hormones are used in this process.


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How to Cite

de Moraes Garcia ER, Pereira de Pedro Souza R, Cappi N, Ramos de Ávila L, Britez Feliciano W, Kleszcz da Cruz F. Consumer profile of chicken meat in the municipality of Aquidauana, MS. RVZ [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];24(2):345-52. Available from:



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