
  • Beatriz Danieli Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Ana Luiza B. Schogor Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina



animal feed, ruminal fermentation, IN 44/2015


The use of additives in ruminant feed is still a dilemma. Before the advancement of research related to nutrition, were discovered a range of substances. These products act positively on the characteristics of the food or directly into animal performance and your use is permitted as long as it doesn't affect the nutritional value of the feed. About four factors should be considered when determining if a food additive should be used: expected response, economic return, available research and field responses. However, the permission of use in Brazil is regulated by the IN 44/2015 and goes far beyond these factors. Currently the additives grouped into four categories (technological, nutritional, sensory or breeding) and numerous functional groups. In recent years, nutritionists have claimed that most of its customers use some sort of additive in feed, for this reason there is a need to know the alternatives, as well as the characteristics of the regulation that governs the use of substances. 


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How to Cite

Danieli B, B. Schogor AL. USE OF ADDITIVES IN RUMINANT NUTRITION: REVIEW. RVZ [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 29];27:1-13. Available from:



Review Articles