


Goat, Anthelmintic, Helminthiasis, Pernambuco.


This study aimed to investigate the situation of parasite resistance in goat farms located in Petrolina municipality, São Francisco Valley region, Northeastern Brazil. Four-hundred and twenty goats of both sexes, older than seven months, and with the highest parasite load were selected from each of the 10 farms and were divided into six homogeneous groups of seven animals. Each group was treated with an anthelmintic drug: Group I–Ivermectin 0.08%; Group II–Albendazole 10%; Group III–Levamisole 5%; Group IV–Moxidectin 1%; Group V–Closantel 10%; and Group VI–Control (no treatment). The samples were collected on days D0 (before treatment), D7, D14 and D21 post-treatment. The Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) was applied to evaluate anthelmintic resistance. The groups treated with Moxidectin showed inefficacy in D7 and low efficacy in D14, with an average reduction of 79.8% and 88.69%, but high efficacy in D21 (93.43%). Closantel showed low efficacy with average of 84.72% only in D14. Levamisole, Albendazole and Ivermectin showed drug inefficacy, with averages lower than 80%. All the tested drugs except moxidectin (D21) showed less than 90% antiparasitic efficacy in the goat herds, indicating the presence of parasites with multidrug resistance.


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How to Cite

de Castro EMS, Souza EAR, Dantas ACS, da Silva IWG, Medeiros de Araújo M, Santos de Azevedo S, Sangioni LA, Horta MC. PARASITIC RESISTANCE OF GASTROINTESTINAL NEMATODES IN GOATS CREATED IN A SEMIARID REGION OF PERNAMBUCO, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL. RVZ [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];28:1-12. Available from:



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