phytoconstituents, salmonellosis, public health, antimicrobial resistance, medicinal plantsAbstract
The objective of the study was to verify the in vitro inhibition of Salmonella spp. to different types of plant extracts with medicinal indications in different ethanol dilutions. For this, 12 plant parts were obtained, among leaves and stems, which are part of the popular therapeutics of gastrointestinal toxinfections in the mesoregion of Alagoas, Brazil, and that are present in the Mata Atlântica. These plants were submitted to drying, trituration, maceration and pressing procedures, allowing different extract concentrations. The Salmonella spp. samples tested came from calves from rural properties in the region that presented with diarrhea and were duly detected by biochemical and molecular tests. To verify sensitivity, the Disc Diffusion Plates test was performed with three strains of Salmonella spp., and the discs with antibiotics were replaced by discs of ethanolic extracts at concentrations of 10, 100, 500 and 1000mg/L. As a result, the leaf of Varronia multispicata, popularly known as Cavarucaá, showed positive results in inhibiting the three isolates of Salmonella spp. at concentrations of 500 and 1000mg/L. The other extracts did not show in vitro sensitivity results with the bacteria in any of the concentrations. Further studies with Varronia multispicata need to be developed, with different methods of obtaining phytoconstituents and with other strains of Salmonella spp. from the region.
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