Palabras clave:
poultry, biosecurity, animal health measuresResumen
The municipality of Campo Verde - MT pioneered the poultry industry in Mato Grosso,
which currently accounts for much of the country's poultry exports. In Brazil, the control of
exports of chicken meat occur mainly through biosecurity measures in production. Thus, this
study aims to present an overview of the commercial cutting poultry establishments in the
integrated system of the municipality of Campo Verde, Mato Grosso, from surveys conducted
by INDEA / Mato Grosso. The census was comprised of 114 commercial poultry
establishments and three commercial laying farms. It was observed that despite the
implementation of biosecurity measures required in the Normative Instruction, the majority of
poultry farms do not accomplish their protocols, and these must be adjusted. With regard to
the questions of biosecurity, most of the properties were compliant, however, the noncompliant establishments should conform until 2012. We conclude that commercial poultry
establishments in the integrated system of the municipality of Campo Verde, Mato Grosso
seek a greater efficiency of the system through the implementation of biosecurity measures,
however, they need some adjustments due to the new regulatory instructions that are ever
more demanding, especially regarding the protocols of biosecurity measures.
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