equine, infection, seminal vesicleAbstract
Stallions have a complete set of accessory sex glands, composed of the bulbourethral, prostate gland, seminal vesicles and ampullae. Among the conditions that affect these structures, seminal vesiculitis is the most common, consisting the colonization of one or both vesicles by bacteria, whose Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most frequent. In ejaculate, a large percentage of neutrophils and, eventually, red blood cells may be present, characterizing piospermia and hemospermia, respectively. The definitive diagnosis is made through the transurethral endoscopy evaluation of the seminal vesicles, where it is possible to visualize the purulent content, associated to gland lavage and bacterial culture. Treatment is challenging because antibiotic therapy has low efficacy, with a high relapse rate.
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