


Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT); Human-animal relationship; Benefits of service dogs.



Animals have accompanied man for a long time, and today we know through research, tests and much observation that the simple act of caressing an animal is capable of miracles. Our relationship with animals, especially dogs, has evolved in a way beyond "domestic pets", for they also help people all over the world, in different scopes, especially in the areas of human medicine. They can be cotherapists, aids in diagnostics, the eyes or ears of the disabled and execute diverse tasks. We also cannot forget those animals with special abilities that save lives by giving warning before an eminent crisis of epilepsy, apnea, or hypoglycemia. The animals were evaluated during the years of 2013 to 2017, through questionnaires, answered by the project psychologists. And one can conclude that there have been benefits that pet therapy has brought to patients SORRI (Society for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of the Disabled). It’s concluded that there was an improvement in the quality of life and in the treatment of children, with several pathologies, who participated in the pet therapy project.


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How to Cite

Jabur Lot Rodrigues N, Manzini S, Neuwirt Oliveira N, Jabur Lot Madureira S, Langoni H, Jabur Lot Rodrigues Torres S. BENEFITS OF PET THERAPY: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN ANIMALS AND CHILDREN. RVZ [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];28:1-12. Available from:



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