


antibiotic, liver health, bowel health, probiotic.


The administration of growth-enhancing antibiotics in animals has been increasingly discussed and discouraged due to concerns about the selection and potential transmission of bacterial resistance to these compounds in humans, particularly if the antimicrobial agent registered for use in animals belongs to the same class as medicines used in human medicine. In addition, the appeal for the sustainability of animal production systems and the advent of precision animal nutrition, lead the entire productive sector to awaken to the search for new compounds that can replace performance-enhancing antibiotics efficiently and sustainably, without cause possible risks to animals and humans. From this perspective, functional oils stand out for having a unique antimicrobial capacity and being able to act as intestinal microbiota modulators and immune system enhancers in the diet of quails.


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How to Cite

Almeida AA de, Valentim JK, Oliveira HF de, Zanella J, Mendes JP, Oliveira GC, Geraldo A, Silva AF. SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEERS IN THE QUAIL DIET. RVZ [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 6 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];29:1-11. Available from:



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