
  • Simone Fernandes
  • Edson Ramos de Siqueira
  • Paulo Francisco Domingues
  • Guilherme José Guimarães Pilan


milk chemical composition, immunoglobulin, sheep


Twenty nine multiparae Santa Inês breed ewes, all of them with the same reproductive age,
were submitted to four treatments in the last gestation month and during lactation. It was used
a factorial design (two nutrition levels and two weaning ages), in the following way: 1: corn
silage diet and weaning at the age of 45 days; 2: corn silage plus concentrate diet and
weaning at the age of 45 days; 3: corn silage diet and weaning at the age of 70 days; 4: corn
silage plus concentrate diet and weaning at the age of 70 days. Milk samples were collected
weekly, starting at the second week after parturition, for somatic cell count. The content of
protein, fat, lactose and total solids were analyzed in colostrum and milk. There was a diet
effect for colostrum protein, fat and total solids. The ewe group fed corn silage plus
concentrate presented the minor values. For milk fat percentage the best result was obtained
for weaning at 70 days age (5.51%) versus (4.32%) observed at 45 days age. The milk
chemical composition was similar to the values obtained by other authors for milk production
breeds. The subclinical mastitis did not affect the milk quality.


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How to Cite

Fernandes S, Siqueira ER de, Domingues PF, Pilan GJG. EFFECTS OF NUTRITION, WEANING AGE, AND MASTITIS ON THE QUALITY OF MILK AND COLOSTRUM FROM EWES . RVZ [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];20(4):615-23. Available from: https://rvz.emnuvens.com.br/rvz/article/view/1465



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